DigiDesign 192 I/O Specifications Page 10

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192 Digital I/O Guide
Loop Master LED
The LOOP MASTER LED indicates which
Pro Tools|HD audio interface is the master
Pro Tools peripheral. Loop Master defaults to
the first Pro Tools|HD I/O connected to the
“core” Pro Tools|HD card. On Pro Tools|HD (for
PCIe) this is the Accel Core card. On
Pro Tools|HD (for PCI) this is the HD Core card.
Loop Master will always be lit in systems with a
single interface.
In expanded systems, only one Pro Tools|HD
I/O can be Loop Master at a time. When you
change the clock source to an external clock on
a particular Pro Tools|HD I/O or a SYNC I/O,
that Pro Tools|HD I/O (or SYNC I/O) will auto-
matically become the Loop Master and all other
Pro Tools|HD I/Os in the chain will be switched
to Loop Slave mode.
Sync Mode LEDs
The SYNC MODE LEDs indicate different clock
source modes. Synchronization mode LEDs re-
flect the Clock Source choice in Pro Tools.
The SYNC MODE LEDs indicate the current
clock source.
INT (Internal)
This is the 192 Digital I/O stan-
dard clock setting. In this mode, the
192 Digital I/O sample clock is generated by its
internal crystal oscillator, as determined by the
session Sample Rate.
DIG (Digital)
Indicates that an external
AES/EBU, Optical (ADAT), or S/PDIF device is
providing system clock.
Indicates that the 192 Digital I/O is slav-
ing to another Pro Tools|HD I/O through Loop
EXT (External)
Indicates that 192 Digital I/O is
using the EXT CLOCK IN port for system syn-
chronization. External Clock input and output
do not have to be at the Word clock rate.
For more information, see the
Pro Tools|HD Get-
ting Started Guide
These four-segment LEDs indicate signal level
for each of the sixteen channels. The top row of
meters indicates input levels, and the bottom
row shows output levels. These meters are cali-
brated at –42 dB, –18 dB, –6 dB, and 0 dB, respec-
Note that 0 dB is not to be confused with
clipping; use the on-screen meters in
Pro Tools to determine whether a signal is
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